
Sri Bala Tripura Sundari ( Navratri day -1)

  Sri Bala Tripura Sundari  Sri Bala Tripura Sundari - Embodiment of Innocence and Power Sri Bala Tripura Sundari is a revered form of the Goddess in Hinduism, known for her youthful, playful, and benign aspects. She is the child form of Goddess Tripura Sundari , one of the ten Mahavidyas, who embodies supreme beauty, power, and wisdom. As the youngest and most innocent form of the divine feminine energy, Bala Tripura Sundari represents the creative power of the cosmos and the embodiment of childlike purity. Formation and Depiction: Sri Bala Tripura Sundari is depicted as a young girl of around 9-10 years old, symbolizing innocence and divine beauty. Her childlike form embodies the fresh, untainted energy of the universe, yet she holds great spiritual significance. In artistic depictions: She is seated on a lotus, exuding serenity with a peaceful smile. Her iconography includes a noose (pasha) and a goad (ankusha) in her hands, representing control over negative forces. One hand sho

The Legend of Kakanamath Temple: Built by Ghosts in One Night

Image Reference from Google - Kakanamath Temple  Sihoniya in Madhya Pradesh In the heart of Karnataka, nestled amidst serene forests and whispered tales of the divine, lies the ancient Kakanamath Temple . Its origins, steeped in mystical lore, tell of a remarkable event that has echoed through centuries—a testament to faith, devotion, and the supernatural. Long ago, during a moonlit night when shadows danced upon the earth, the village of Kakanamath was plagued by a series of inexplicable occurrences. Strange whispers echoed through the trees, and eerie lights flickered in the darkness. Fear gripped the hearts of the villagers, who sought refuge in their homes, praying for protection from the unknown. Among the villagers was a wise elder named Devadasa, known for his unwavering faith in the divine and his profound knowledge of ancient scriptures. Sensing an otherworldly presence, Devadasa ventured into the heart of the forest where whispers were loudest, seeking answers and solace. As

The Tale of Kannappa: A Story of Devotion to Lord Shiva

  The Tale of Kannappa: A Story of Devotion to Lord Shiva In ancient times, in the sacred lands of Kailasa, lived a humble hunter named Kannappa. He spent his days roaming the wild forests, skilled in hunting for his sustenance. One day, Kannappa stumbled upon a serene grove where an ancient Shiva lingam stood, bathed in twilight's gentle glow. Mesmerized by its divine presence, Kannappa felt an overwhelming sense of reverence and devotion towards Lord Shiva. Although Kannappa was unfamiliar with formal rituals, his heart guided him to worship the lingam with offerings of wild berries, tender leaves, and pure spring water. His offerings were simple but deeply sincere, reflecting his unwavering faith in the divine. As time passed, Kannappa's devotion only grew stronger. One morning, he noticed blood flowing from the Shiva lingam's eye. Without hesitation, driven by empathy and love for his Lord, Kannappa plucked out one of his own eyes and placed it on the lingam to staunch

Kashi: A Dream Unfulfilled

Kashi- Varanasi Kashi: A Dream Unfulfilled By Veena, the Artist Kashi —the name itself resonates with an ethereal melody, a timeless rhythm that sings to the soul. As I sit in my studio, brushes in hand, the colors on my palette seem dull in comparison to the vivid tapestry of Varanasi that my heart has painted over the years. For an artist like me, Kashi is not just a place on the map; it is a canvas of dreams, a spiritual symphony that I long to witness. 1. The Eternal Allure of Kashi Kashi, or Varanasi, is an enigma, a confluence of life, death, and the divine. My imagination often wanders through its ancient lanes, tracing the footsteps of sages and artists, whose works have whispered the essence of life through the ages. I envision myself standing on the ghats, the sacred steps that cradle the Ganges, where the mundane and the mystical embrace each other. In my dreams, I paint the sun rising over the river, its golden hues reflected in the waters, merging with the chants and the f

Nalanda University: A Rebirth of Knowledge and Heritage

Image of Nalanda University at Rajgir, Bihar Bharat Builds Nalanda University Again 🚩🔱 In an era marked by the resurgence of India's ancient glories, the reopening of Nalanda University stands as a testament to the nation's commitment to preserving its historical and cultural legacy. This revival follows the recent completion of the Ram Mandir, symbolizing a restoration from spirituality to knowledge. Today, after nearly 800 years, Nalanda University has reopened, signaling a profound cultural and educational renaissance. A Journey Through Time: From Destruction to Reconstruction Originally established in the 5th century CE by Kumara Gupta I, Nalanda University once flourished as a premier center of learning and spiritual practice. It was a beacon of knowledge, attracting scholars from across Asia. However, in the 12th century, the university was destroyed by Bakhtiyar Khilji, a tragic event that marked a significant cultural loss. Historians suggest that Nalanda was more tha

The Tenth Incarnation of Lord Vishnu- KALKI

  Kalki: The Tenth Incarnation of Lord Vishnu Introduction: According to Hindu scriptures, Kalki is the tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. This future incarnation is prophesied to appear at the end of Kaliyuga, a time when injustice and ignorance will be at their zenith. The purpose of Kalki's birth is to cleanse the world of sin and evil. Lord Shiva will bestow a white horse upon Kalki, and Indra, the king of the gods, will provide a divine sword to aid in the destruction of the evils of Kaliyuga. Birth and Family: Kalki will be born in the village of Shambhala. His father will be named Vishnuyash, and his mother will be named Sumati. Mission and Purpose: Kalki's mission is to eradicate the injustice and chaos prevalent in Kaliyuga. He will ride a white horse and wield a divine sword to vanquish evil and reestablish dharma (righteousness). Adversaries and Struggle: Kalki will combat the demons and malevolent forces of Kaliyuga. Among his primary adversaries are: Kali, the M

Jai Sri Puri Jagannath

The Divine Love for Lord Jagannath In the realm of boundless devotion, the legend of Lord Jagannath shines brightly. Lord Jagannath, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, holds a special place in the hearts of His devotees, especially in mine. This sacred tale begins with King Indradyumna of Malwa, a fervent devotee of Vishnu. He was blessed with a divine vision, urging him to find the enigmatic deity Nila Madhava, a sublime manifestation of Lord Vishnu. Driven by unwavering faith and love, the king ventured into the dense Nilgiri forest. There, he met the revered sage Vishwakarma, who agreed to construct a magnificent temple for the deity under one sacred condition: the site must remain undisturbed until the temple's completion. King Indradyumna, with a heart full of trust and devotion, agreed and left the sage to his divine work. Time flowed with the grace of divine will, yet no signs of the deity or the temple emerged. Overcome by a fervent longing to behold the divine, King Indradyumn

Maa Durga Devi

🙏*** Durga - warrior Goddess ***🙏 One of the most invoked forms of the Great Goddess is her manifestation as the youthful, multi-armed deity who successfully battles the mighty buffalo demon that symbolizes among other things, the elemental powers of brutish ignorance. In her this incarnation she is referred to as Durga, the 'unattainable'. Durga was born from the energies of the male divinities when the gods lost the long drawn-out battle with the asuras (demons). All the energies of the gods united and became supernova, throwing out flames in all directions. Then that unique light, pervading the Three Worlds with its luster, combined into one, and became a female form. The tremendous power of the Goddess was poised ready for the grim battle to wipe out demonic forces, the asuras whose exaggerated ego-sense was destroying the balance of the universe, and whose sole purpose was to dominate and control. It was the universal war between knowledge and ignorance, trut


The main purpose of an incarnation is to protect the world and ensure its orderly progression. Although the mortal world is one of the fourteen in the cosmic hierarchy and somewhere in the middle, it has a great significance from the perspective of sacrifices and liberation. The mortal beings have an unique opportunity to escape from Nature and its Maya through spiritual effort. Others, even gods, cannot do so. Further, if the world falls into disorder, it can potentially destabilize the whole creation and weaken the position of gods. Therefore, protecting the world becomes obligatory to God. The scripture lists three main purposes for which an incarnation of God may manifest. 1)Protection of the good and the pious (sadhus). They do not protect themselves, since they practice nonviolence and renunciation and depend upon God for protection. 2)Destruction of the wicked ones who indulge in evil, selfish and cruel actions (dushkrutas) against others and endanger the stability a

The Boon

 There was,..    Prajapati Sutapa and his wife Prshni were great devotee of Bhagwaan Vishnu. When Bhagwaan Vishnu offered them a boon, they wanted him as their son. Bhagwaan Vishnu told them that he will be born as their son three times.   In the first birth he was born as Prsni garbha. It was this form of Bhagwaan Vishnu that appeared in front of Dhruva and created Dhruvalok for his habitation as His boon to him.     Second time they reincarnated as Kashyap rishi and his wife Aditi and Bhagwaan Vishnu took Vamana avatar as their son Upendra.    Third time they were Vasudev and Devaki and this time Bhagwaan came to earth as their son Shri Krishna.   

Karma- An example

When, Shri Ram says- Sugriva! You do not worry. Go! Fight with Bali, I will kill Bali. Sugriva argues that you will kill, and I will fight? When you will kill, you should fight too! See, Bhagwan does everything by himself, but the Jeeva has to make efforts. When Sugriva went, he was beaten and Bhagwan kept watching. Why not killed Bali? He said- I couldn't recognize, who was Sugriva, who was Bali? Sugriva said- Even a mother recognizes her twins, you are Bhagwan, but still do not recognize? Bali is king, he is strong, he wears royal robes. I am a poor man, I have neither to eat nor to wear. You didn't recognize me? Ram ji says- Sugriva! I do not look from outside, I see from within. Both of you were the same from within. The same anger, the same malice, the same ego. Wait! I will make some arrangements for your identification. Lakshman! Go! bring "Gaja-mukta" flowers, I will make their garland and will wear Sugriva. Note, Gaja signifies ego, Gaja-mukta mea


The Majestic Vision of Vishvarupa In the vast tapestry of Hindu mythology, there exists a divine form of awe-inspiring magnificence known as Vishvarupa, or the Universal Form. This grand theophany represents the Hindu god Maha Vishnu or his beloved avatar, Krishna. Vishvarupa, also referred to as Vishvarupa Darshan, Vishwaroopa, and Virata Rupa, embodies the totality of the universe within its resplendent being. While there are several instances of Vishvarupa manifestations, the most revered and celebrated revelation occurs in the sacred verses of the Bhagavad Gita , "the Song of God." This profound vision was bestowed upon the Pandavas Prince Arjuna on the hallowed battlefield of Kurukshetra, during the epic war of the Mahabharata between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. As the armies stood poised for battle, Arjuna, overwhelmed by the prospect of fighting his kin, sought guidance from his divine charioteer, Krishna . In response, Krishna, the incarnation of

Very beautiful story- Lord krishna.

A woman used to go to the temple every day! One day the lady told the priest, now I will not come to the temple! At this the priest asked - Why? Then the woman said - I see people talk about their business in the temple premises with their phones! Some have chosen the temple as the place to gossip! Some worship less hypocrisy, more pretense! The priest kept silent for a while and then said - right! But before I make my final decision, can you do something I say! Woman quote - tell me what to do? The priest said - Fill a glass of water and do the circumambulation twice inside the temple premises. The condition is that glass water should not fall! Woman said - I can do it! Then in a short while the lady did the same! After that the temple priest asked the woman 3 questions - 1. Did you see anyone talking on the phone? 2. Did you see anyone gossiping in the temple? 3. Did anyone see you doing hypocrisy? The lady said - no I did not see anything! Then the priest said - When you

Konark Sun Temple, Odisha

 Konark Sun Temple is located in Konark, about 35 km northeast of Puri on the coast of Odisha, India.  It is a huge temple dedicated to the Hindu deity Surya and is one of the major tourist destinations in India.  A large number of foreign tourists also come to see this ancient temple.  Konark is made up of two words kona (kona) and arka.  Where the 'Kona' (cornor) means Corner and the 'Arka' means Sun.  When the two are combined, it is called Sun of the Corner.  This temple is also known as Black Pagoda as the tower of the temple looks black.  The Sun Temple of Konark is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1984.  Who built Konark Sun Temple -  Based on Brahminic beliefs, this temple was constructed in the 13th century by King Narasimhadeva I (1238–1250 CE) of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty and was dedicated to the sun god Surya.  According to the legend, Lord Krishna's son Samb suffered from leprosy due to his curse.  Suryadev, who was the destr

Arudra Darshana and the Thiruvadhirai ‘Kali’

Today is Thiruvaadhirai day (day of the Ardra or Arudra star) in the month of Margazhi. The day’s dear to Shiva Parameshwara and as we sit sampling some ‘Kali’ (a sweet dish made of jaggery, broken rice and pulses), why not hear the story of how the Lord himself ate all the Kali one day at the home of one of his ardent devotees! Yes, we go back nearly a millennium to the times of a true devotee Sendhanaar, who was blessed with a vision of Lord Shiva on this very day. Sendhanaar used to be the accountant at the establishment of a rich merchant Thiruvenkaadar (who later became the famed saint Pattinatthaar) in the city of Kaveripoompattinam. When Pattinatthaar renounced all his wealth to turn a mendicant, he auctioned all that he owned. But in those days, one couldn’t donate such wealth without informing the monarch. The then Chola ruler, King Gandaraditya on hearing the news of the auction, was incensed and imprisoned Sendhanaar. The poor accountant was perplexed and prayed

Sri Maha Vishnu

Sri Maha Vishnu -The lord with shanka,chakra gadha and lotus in his four arms. There are many names were we sometimes call him Narayan,vasudeva,Hari, Mukunda, ...and many more.... The lord has come to us in different Avatars to makes us understand the true value of living. He came as Narasimha to let us know that nothing is impossible if you are strong enough on your words and God doesn't exist only in temples or punyakshetra he/ she can be anywhere ,Call them with true devotion in mind and heart -They will come to you. He came as Rama , He came as Krishna to teach us Love and respect towards our beloved ones. Not only Respecting Lord Rama as thought us  that thinking about the goal is not just our duty we must have patience and target to achieve it.. In such a way Lord Narayan has come with many other avatars . To understand his thoughts and views our saints had written vishnupuranam , bhagavatam.. were we can read , understand and get through it..  My painting brings up his arriv

Radha Krishan-The Meaning of Love

RADHA KRISHAN- The Meaning of Love They are here to make us learn what exactly the word LOVE means.. when ever you see  their image or here their name only one thing comes into our mind is LOVE.  Their story is an example and a lesson to us which makes us understand and agree about how we have to be with others or be lovedones. I was always passionate towards Lord Krishna's devotion🙏.  Were ever I was wondering, when ever I required an assistance he was and he is with me as a soul .  And when I first time heard RadhaKishan story.. I fell in love by it and yes LOVE is not about  being a boy &girl together, it can happen with anything and to me my first love was their story . Radha Krishna's devotion is not just worshiping them it's about being them.. Jai radhakrishna..    Artwork: canvas board Paint:Acrylic painting Colour:Red, blue, Green Yellow and black   

Night life of Animals

Animals - Yes, they are the best thing happened in the God creation. we all live with our busy schedule may be with Job, responsibilities,  future planning and etc.. We get in the morning rush with the scheduled life and night we think about all the day and next day work and go to sleep.   When it comes to the animals they are the one who are living with the free set of mind and life.  They don't have any set of restrictions, fear, or some other thoughts until they take it into a part. They move free, hunt freely and when we observe them in the moon & skylight  they are the  most beautiful things which makes us feel pleasant . That was happened to me which was not in real but in the reel.  When I saw a documentary on nature and animal life , I felt so pleasant and involved in its view. That made me art  this painting. Here there is a wolf, a deer very friendly came to drink water when the sky decided to be more colorful than ever. Art of Night life of animals Paint: Acrylic col

The door

Yes, The door is the mediator between in &out of a house.We always make sure it looks beautiful Infront. But until we see it's backview we don't know how much it is hurt to present itself look beautiful, as similar as an Artist .. I always wanted to make sure it's beauty should not be only it's view but also the surroundings. The image says the rest. Paint used: acrylic Colour: major blue, Red, white and yellow.

Imagination- Barsana

Every day I see something new , think something you adding colours together make my mind peace. I started with some image ended with with this imagination.  Barsana, a place were Radha Krishna love was forever seen. Paint used: acrylic Style: Nature traditional Colour: mix and match of neutrals.

Panduranga Vittala

You call him Panduranga or Vittala or Krishna he is the all one.  " Vitthala Hari Vitthala Panduranga Vitthaley Hari Narayana Purandara Vitthaley Hari Narayana Hari Narayana, Jaya Narayana" The Sloka - We chant to pray him, to make his presence. When I restarted my art work, I decided to start with a beautiful art.  Then Khaana ( Lord Krishna)  is the only one I always see beautiful. I took my Canvas , colors, Pens, and took and model art to see which would look more truthful. Suddenly my mind have come with this chant - That means Panduranga (Lord Vittala) want me paint him as my beautiful art. that's how I made this.   This art gives you the devotees travelling towards Panduranga with full of devotion and truthfulness in their heart.   Art made on: White canvas of 25cm X 30cm board Colors : Black mixed with dark brown, yellow and red ( Oil Pastels)