Very beautiful story- Lord krishna.

A woman used to go to the temple every day! One day the lady told the priest, now I will not come to the temple!

At this the priest asked - Why?

Then the woman said - I see people talk about their business in the temple premises with their phones! Some have chosen the temple as the place to gossip! Some worship less hypocrisy, more pretense!

The priest kept silent for a while and then said - right! But before I make my final decision, can you do something I say!

Woman quote - tell me what to do?

The priest said - Fill a glass of water and do the circumambulation twice inside the temple premises. The condition is that glass water should not fall!

Woman said - I can do it!

Then in a short while the lady did the same! After that the temple priest asked the woman 3 questions -

1. Did you see anyone talking on the phone?

2. Did you see anyone gossiping in the temple?

3. Did anyone see you doing hypocrisy?

The lady said - no I did not see anything!

Then the priest said - When you were doing the circumambulation, your whole focus was on the glass so that water does not fall from it, so you did not see anything.

 Now whenever you come to the temple, focus your attention only in the Supreme Father then you will not see anything. Only God will be seen everywhere.

      '' Like being sent ..
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