Maa Durga Devi

🙏*** Durga - warrior Goddess ***🙏

One of the most invoked forms of the Great Goddess is her manifestation as the youthful, multi-armed deity who successfully battles the mighty buffalo demon that symbolizes among other things, the elemental powers of brutish ignorance. In her this incarnation she is referred to as Durga, the 'unattainable'. Durga was born from the energies of the male divinities when the gods lost the long drawn-out battle with the asuras (demons). All the energies of the gods united and became supernova, throwing out flames in all directions. Then that unique light, pervading the Three Worlds with its luster, combined into one, and became a female form.

The tremendous power of the Goddess was poised ready for the grim battle to wipe out demonic forces, the asuras whose exaggerated ego-sense was destroying the balance of the universe, and whose sole purpose was to dominate and control. It was the universal war between knowledge and ignorance, truth and falsehood, the oppressor and the oppressed.

You may roar from the mountain tops, you may whisper into your cat’s ear. You may express it through the swagger in your hips, through a hearty pumpkin soup for one of those rainy days or in a gentle touch on a tired neck. You may sing it, teach it, paint it, dance it, write it.

No matter if you yearn for it or resist it. Fall in love with it, ignore it, go for it or doubt it, Durga - The Goddess who is married to Truth, demands that the vibration of you, your gift, your voice, your truth, is fully given.

Dear woman - awake Durga in you! Never let someone tell you you are weak. You're NOT! Live your given potential!!! It's high time to go back to the status women had at Vedic times.

OM Jai Durge Adi Shakti 🚩🙏
नवरात्रि की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं🙏🕉️🔱🙌


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