The Boon

 There was,..


 Prajapati Sutapa and his wife Prshni were great devotee of Bhagwaan Vishnu. When Bhagwaan Vishnu offered them a boon, they wanted him as their son. Bhagwaan Vishnu told them that he will be born as their son three times.


In the first birth he was born as Prsni garbha. It was this form of Bhagwaan Vishnu that appeared in front of Dhruva and created Dhruvalok for his habitation as His boon to him.  


Second time they reincarnated as Kashyap rishi and his wife Aditi and Bhagwaan Vishnu took Vamana avatar as their son Upendra. 


Third time they were Vasudev and Devaki and this time Bhagwaan came to earth as their son Shri Krishna. 



  1. This is so helpful. Thank you . For someone who wants to dive deep into the ancient scriptural studies ... I find your blog very helpful ... on to the point .


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