Kashi: A Dream Unfulfilled

Kashi- Varanasi

Kashi: A Dream Unfulfilled

By Veena, the Artist

Kashi—the name itself resonates with an ethereal melody, a timeless rhythm that sings to the soul. As I sit in my studio, brushes in hand, the colors on my palette seem dull in comparison to the vivid tapestry of Varanasi that my heart has painted over the years. For an artist like me, Kashi is not just a place on the map; it is a canvas of dreams, a spiritual symphony that I long to witness.

1. The Eternal Allure of Kashi

Kashi, or Varanasi, is an enigma, a confluence of life, death, and the divine. My imagination often wanders through its ancient lanes, tracing the footsteps of sages and artists, whose works have whispered the essence of life through the ages. I envision myself standing on the ghats, the sacred steps that cradle the Ganges, where the mundane and the mystical embrace each other.

In my dreams, I paint the sun rising over the river, its golden hues reflected in the waters, merging with the chants and the fragrance of incense that fills the air. I can almost hear the distant echo of temple bells, the soulful cry of the conch shell, and the rhythmic splash of oars cutting through the sacred waters.

2. The Ghats: A Palette of Life

The ghats of Kashi, each with its own story, have always beckoned me with their mystique. Dashashwamedh Ghat, alive with the vibrancy of life, where the Ganga Aarti transforms the evening into a celestial spectacle, seems to call out to the artist within me. I yearn to capture the play of light on the floating diyas, the flames of the aarti lamps dancing against the twilight sky.

Then, there’s Manikarnika Ghat, a place where life and death converse in whispers of sacred smoke and the chanting of mantras. It is here that I would have painted the cycle of life, a poignant tribute to the fleeting nature of existence and the eternal promise of the divine.

3. The Temples: Shrines of Inspiration

The temples of Kashi, each a repository of ancient art and devotion, stir a yearning in my heart. Kashi Vishwanath, with its golden spire reaching for the heavens, seems like a sculpture crafted by the gods themselves. I often dream of sketching its intricate carvings, its sanctum echoing with the chants of a thousand devotees, their hopes and prayers merging with the timeless energy of Shiva.

Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple, with its serene ambiance and the fragrance of marigold garlands, appears in my thoughts like a quiet oasis, a place where my weary soul would have found solace. I long to paint the calm visage of Hanuman, his strength and devotion captured in every stroke of my brush.

4. The Cultural Kaleidoscope

Kashi, with its rich tapestry of music, dance, and festivals, is a cultural kaleidoscope that I have only glimpsed in my dreams. I imagine the air resonating with the melodies of the Banaras Gharana, the classical tunes weaving stories of love, longing, and devotion. The festivals, especially Diwali with the ghats adorned in a million flickering lights, create a spectacle that I yearn to capture on canvas.

The famous Banarasi silk, woven with tales of craftsmanship and tradition, often inspires my art. I see myself wandering through the bustling markets, my fingers tracing the intricate patterns of the sarees, their vibrant hues igniting new ideas for my next masterpiece.

5. Kashi: The Unvisited Muse

Despite never setting foot in Kashi, the city has painted itself into my heart and my art. Each stroke, each color I choose, echoes the whispers of the sacred city. Varanasi, the timeless muse, remains an unfulfilled dream, a chapter in my artistic journey that I hope to complete someday. Until then, I carry its essence within me, letting it inspire my creations, my thoughts, and my soul.

Kashi—the city where the sacred and the worldly coexist, where the Ganges flows as the eternal witness to the dance of life and death, continues to be my muse. One day, I hope to stand on its holy ghats, to breathe in its ancient air, and to finally paint its stories with my own eyes. Until then, I remain an artist forever inspired by a city I have yet to meet.


As you wander through the labyrinthine lanes of Varanasi, spare a thought for me. Let the colors of Kashi blend into your soul, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll see the city as I have always imagined it—a place where dreams and divinity come alive.

 I might go their or I may not but I can memorize and picture the images and views of that location and put it on the paper. So I  decided to make this beautiful art. The best artist Mr. Chowdary has made the original image of what I painted ,but with few modifications according to my view/ thoughts I have  completed it .
When ever I look into the pictures/ videos of Varanasi, I imagine the sculpture, culture and colorful views of the location and the traditional way the people chant the Kashinath name makes us involve in and forget us all over to him. .

"Veena is an artist who finds her inspiration in places she has yet to visit. Her work reflects her deep connection with the spiritual and the unseen, painting worlds from the whispers of her soul. ."
 Painting : Kashi- Varanasi
Paint model- Acrylic on sketch board
Colors: Black, White and Red


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